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Better the one or the two?

This argument, while it didn't happen on the slopes... not this time anyway, it was pretty close. For reasons I cannot quite fathom, the lines between snowboarders and skiers is a hard and fast one. Who can say why? Who truly cares? "Toboggan" is such a much cooler word that it wins automatically.

The colors should go up sometime late tomorrow.

In other news, according to polls on the shirt concepts, I mentioned the other week, it seems that all designs are highly liked. This leaves me with no option but to release them all! Not all at once, obviously. The first new shirt design of the year, for those of you holding baited breath, will probably be "Squid Happens" unless there is some snag with the printer. I hope to offer it in both regular and in a babydoll cut for all the ladies. I'm hoping to debue it at Katsucon, so pre-orders will probably open up soon to help fund the run. Stay tuned, I'll keep you all informed.

Welcome to the Comedity. Don't step on the Penguin.
Garth(Monday - January 29th, 2006) -01:08:02

PortConMaine (guest) July 3rd-6th Connecticon (guest) August 1st-3rd Otakon (AA) August 8th-10th

Want me at your con? Email me