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Moving, quite Literally

Update: The comic will go up late monday instead of the "normal" stupid early o'clock monday time slot. Thank you for your patience. And thanks to those of you who have recently ordered the Book. Good job guys.

Wow, ok, so I'm just going to kind of ignore my general absense lately. As the comic indicates, I've moved. Ha ha, look at how funny I am making a pun like that. But it's true. I've moved from southern northern Virginia to more norther northern Virginia. I'm also now living with Brian and Jim and Nelly which makes it really awesome. Both of them will be at Anime USA this weekend, but sadly I will not. If you're going and wish I was too, you should mention this to the staff there. If cons don't know what their attendies want to see at cons, how am I ever going to show up to said cons? Speaking of which, my last con for 2007 will be in New York at the New York Anime Festival in just a couple of weeks.

I'm afraid I need to talk business a little more. Book Orders. Look, bottom line is that while we've recieved an awful lot of them, we are still far from our target number. The pre-order discount price ends as of Thanksgiving, and at that point my publisher is going to have to make some hard decisions about the printing if the numbers don't look a lot better. The short of it is, if you don't pre-order the book, there's a good chance that it will not be printed. You can order the book through Diginin Publishing or now through the Comedity Store Front. So please, please, order the freakin' book.

Welcome to the Comedity. Don't step on the Penguin.
Garth(Wednesday November 14th, 2007) -10:51:46

PortConMaine (guest) July 3rd-6th Connecticon (guest) August 1st-3rd Otakon (AA) August 8th-10th

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