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And in this conna!

Right! So, as you can clearly see, the comic is not so much a comic but a drawing. A drawing of what you might ask? An art war! That's what! Saturday night I was at the Ottobar to duke it out with chris Impink of Fragile Gravity at the freaking amazing event known as SUPER ART FIGHT! I came home exhausted, victorious, and having had an amazing good time. If you were there, you know exactly what I'm talking about. And if you weren't there, you should have been! It was epic. So epic it's going to happen again. ON THE MOON! ... in like 2289.

In other news, in just three short weeks (God that's not a lot of time) I'll be in Crystal City kicking it up at Anime USA. It's looking to be an awesome con, and I hope to see you guys there. It'll be one of my last appearances this year. Soon I will disappear into my heated computerized art center to wait out the oncoming winter. Also, I should have the first print run of Issue 0 of Finder's Keepers. It'll contain the original 10 page prologue found in the City Limits anthology as well as some additional information about the Veil and the worlds it separates. And you'll be able to get it at Anime USA before you can get it anywhere else.

That's all for now.

Welcome to the Comedity. Don't step on the Penguin.
Garth(Monday September 22th, 2008) -03:26:35

PortConMaine (guest) July 3rd-6th Connecticon (guest) August 1st-3rd Otakon (AA) August 8th-10th

Want me at your con? Email me