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The Aye's Have It

Hey Folks. This month promises to be exciting. I can't reveal all just yet. Must build a bit more suspense. So for now you'll just have to sit tight, enjoy the new donation wallpaper

(which you can get one of the 100 limited edition prints if you donate more than $15), and catch me at Anime USA this weekend and pester me about the latest and greatest that I'm keeping a lid on.

Oh, one more thing. The pre order for the Robots in Disguise t-shirt will be over next week. So if you have any interest in the design, now is potentially your only chance.

Welcome to the Comedity. Don't step on the Penguin.
Garth(Monday October 6th, 2008) -14:19:13

PortConMaine (guest) July 3rd-6th Connecticon (guest) August 1st-3rd Otakon (AA) August 8th-10th

Want me at your con? Email me